Create Your Life Trail


Life an abstract painting
of multiple interpretations
sometimes deep and universal
oh, these patterns of behaviours
often connecting and binding
across ages and spaces.

What story are you living?
which part of your lives
are you still uncovering
against those dreams and fantasies
that has once promised you
where has it led you to?

So come discover
come explore our hood
meet the Yuhua Muses
through thoughtful questions
and deeper introspection
banishing our hidden biases

So young men and women
what now would it be
when thoughts settled
and a voice softly whispers
It says, do your life boldly
in your own way.

Experience the stories and uncover the boldness at our hood 319 Jurong East St 31.

About Create Your Life Trail

+ This self-guided trail was created with the hope of inspiring others to rethink their own
definition of success through the life stories of the people in Yuhua
+ We believe that you are the creator of your own life thus this trail is largely self-guided.
Come anytime from 2-5pm, whether it is on your own or with a group of friends.
Note: Trails are on a first come first served basis. There is a limited no. of ticket per trail, so hurry!